I Like Reading

Download I Like Reading, I like reading.

This is a set of vector cliparts in a cute Doodle style.
Cute little reading girls. A set of seamless patterns.

You download will include:
-3 postcards in color. (Eps, Png,Jpeg)
-3 characters in color (Png)
-3 postcards monochrome (Eps, Png,Jpeg)
-3 character monochrome (Png)
-5 seamless patterns (Eps,Png,Jpeg 5000 x 5000px 300dpi)

Preview I Like Reading
I Like Reading


I like reading.

This is a set of vector cliparts in a cute Doodle style.
Cute little reading girls. A set of seamless patterns.

You download will include:
-3 postcards in color. (Eps, Png,Jpeg)
-3 characters in color (Png)
-3 postcards monochrome (Eps, Png,Jpeg)
-3 character monochrome (Png)
-5 seamless patterns (Eps,Png,Jpeg 5000 x 5000px 300dpi)

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